google desktop

美 [ˈɡuːɡl ˈdesktɑːp]英 [ˈɡuːɡl ˈdesktɒp]
  • 网络Google桌面;谷歌桌面;桌面搜索;桌面搜索工具
google desktopgoogle desktop
  1. It concludes that despite a quirk here and there , the latest version of Google Desktop is full of improvements that make a very good thing even better .


  2. According to this view , chrome is a vital ingredient of an expanding range of Google Desktop software including gears , which enables web applications to run on a PC even when the computer is offline .


  3. An application overview of Google Desktop as a tool of computer crime evidence


  4. The second tool that we considered is the Google desktop gadget .


  5. Google desktop search tool , as an indexing software , can easily find information you want on your personal computers ; but it also brings new security issues .


  6. Our dedication to improving search has also allowed us to apply what we 've learned to new products , including Gmail , Google Desktop , and Google Maps .


  7. More than half of the pages loaded by Google 's Chrome desktop browser on the web now use HTTPS -- and two-thirds of total time is spent on encrypted websites .


  8. There were mounting concerns that technical problems were making personal information on Google Docs , Google Desktop and Gmail visible to other users .
